Tag: Leadership Consultancy

  • Speak Less and Think More

    Speak Less and Think More

    I believe we should speak less and think more. Speaking less and thinking more demands vulnerability, which is perhaps why many of us fail in this regard. Instead of dialogue, we engage in duelling monologues. We eagerly wait for a break in the conversation so that we can insert our own brilliance—solicited or unsolicited. We…

  • Target the Toxicity and Crush It

    Target the Toxicity and Crush It

    In 2006 I was a young officer commanding a troop of 36 soldiers in Kandahar, Afghanistan. There, we were met by the Taliban—a fierce and tenacious enemy with very little to lose and everything to gain. Notwithstanding our vast technological superiority, they were a skilled insurgent force, capable of exploiting our weaknesses. But one does…

  • Habits and Goals- Part Two

    Habits and Goals- Part Two

    For almost half a year, I grounded myself in working towards a fitness goal. I found a great sense of purpose when I was making progress and consistently improving. In my life, goals have acted as a roadmap and helped me understand myself better. When I reflect on the stages of my life, many of…

  • Habits and Goals- Part One

    Habits and Goals- Part One

    In the fall of 2019, I decided to reassess my habits and set new goals for myself. One of my goals was to improve my fitness. I wanted to gain the knowledge and habits about nutrition and strength training that would positively benefit me for life. To accomplish this goal, I began an 18- week…

  • Experiential Vertigo

    Experiential Vertigo

    Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn’t tell which way was up? Now imagine having that same feeling submerged deep underwater with a depleting supply of oxygen. This feeling, known as alternobaric vertigo, can strike scuba divers during periods of transition from one pressure zone to another, temporarily rendering them unable to…

  • Here be Dragons!

    Here be Dragons!

    Here be dragons! When making maritime maps, ancient cartographers would use this phrase to describe the areas beyond the known world. Perhaps some actually believed that dragons inhabited these unexplored frontiers. Perhaps others were fearful of these uncharted waters and simply chose to represent them using the most dreadful metaphor they could muster. Like a…

  • After Action Review

    After Action Review

    In the military, processes are highly standardized. Counter-intuitively perhaps, this standardization makes military teams very adaptive and highly suited to thrive in a crisis. One process the military uses to elicit continuous improvement is through an “After Action Review” or AAR.  Based on extensive research and real-world applications, Gasparotto Group has expanded the basic AAR…