Fighting the Fear of Feedback

Feedback. It’s a term that can fill many with trepidation. If you’re the one giving it, the thought of being critical to someone may make you extremely uncomfortable. If you’re the one receiving it, you may interpret the feedback as a criticism or a personal attack on your character. The result? Maybe you bear the […]
Learning not Losing

How do you adapt to a “learning” mindset instead of a “losing” one? From an early age, we are taught that losing is an undesirable outcome. As children, we never want to be the last to cross the finish line. This becomes detrimental to our development when the fear of losing causes us to not […]
Dropping the Rope

There was a time in my life when I held an unnecessary amount of tension. My natural set-point was stress. I enjoyed being busy and felt lost whenever I had downtime. This was not sustainable and I realized that this way of living was doing more harm than good. “Sometimes holding on does more damage […]
Here be Dragons!

Here be dragons! When making maritime maps, ancient cartographers would use this phrase to describe the areas beyond the known world. Perhaps some actually believed that dragons inhabited these unexplored frontiers. Perhaps others were fearful of these uncharted waters and simply chose to represent them using the most dreadful metaphor they could muster. Like a […]
After Action Review

In the military, processes are highly standardized. Counter-intuitively perhaps, this standardization makes military teams very adaptive and highly suited to thrive in a crisis. One process the military uses to elicit continuous improvement is through an “After Action Review” or AAR. Based on extensive research and real-world applications, Gasparotto Group has expanded the basic AAR […]