Tag: professional development

  • The Japanese Concept of Ikigai

    The Japanese Concept of Ikigai

    Okinawa, Japan On the island of Okinawa, Japan, there is a rural town on the northern end called Ogimi. This town boasts the highest life expectancy in the entire world, garnering it the nickname the “Village of Longevity.” What’s their secret? While Ogimis believe in living a healthy lifestyle which includes daily moderate exercise, eating…

  • The Importance of Smaller Steps

    The Importance of Smaller Steps

    Smaller Steps When it comes to achieving career goals or solving big problems, recognizing the importance of small steps is crucial.  When all the pieces are already in place, such as skills, structure, and process, achieving a goal is like solving a problem. However, when change is needed, either at the individual or team level,…

  • Building a Culture of Honesty

    Building a Culture of Honesty

    Imagine if everyone in your organization acted with honesty. Now hold that thought. In 2006 I was commanding a team of 36 combat engineers in one of the most violent and volatile areas of rural Afghanistan. Immediately prior to a major offensive battle, I gave orders to my soldiers, informing them that once the fight…